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A meow message from MfM

Date: 18-11-2020

The kitten’s out of the bag! MfM serves up a new range of kitten varieties specifically formulated to assist in the early stages of feline development.

Our kitten dry food varieties feature the complete range of balanced essential nutrients for all types of kitten breeds including exotic breeds to set a good foundation for years to come.

Kittens are angels with whiskers

Allergies in felines are caused by suppression of the immune system, which is often caused by improper nutrition. This can usually be solved by changing to an MfM Australia’s kitten food range which is all-natural hypoallergenic, super premium holistic grain and gluten free diet.

Complete nutrition assists with allergies, digestive issues, excessive shedding, hot spots, joint inflammation, anxiety, scratching/biting, weak immune system, underweight, overweight, ear infections and body odour.

We have carefully formulated two new varieties that can help set good foundations for your kitten to grow.


Made with vegetables and coconut oil, that packs a nutritious punch a kitten needs during the important early stages of life. Chicken & Turkey meat is low-GI with fewer kilojoules and less fat than dark meat. It can also help keep insulin levels stable.


Our Goat variety is a healthy alternative to beef and chicken because of its lower calorie, fat and cholesterol totals. If you’re looking for a leaner alternative to traditional meat for your kitten, goat meat is the answer.

Here’s to feline good

Help your kitten get the best start in life

Our two new Kitten varieties are Gluten Free & Grain Free to be gentle of the stomach in the early stages of life.